Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Expanded Tax Deductions + Great Sales Prices = Exceptional Year End Opportunity

Just the basics for this entry. The IRS has expanded the Section 179 Deduction available for 2010 and 2011 to $500,000 with a purchase ceiling of $2,000,000. They have also extended the 50% bonus depreciation through 2010. Both of those deductions make year end buying a great tax strategy.

When you couple those deductions with our year end sale, you have an opportunity to maximize your tax deductions while getting exceptional values. Select any alpaca on our sales list and get the second one for free (of equal or lesser value). For example, if you were to select Bella (list price $7,750) and Chloe ($6,750) you would get them both for $7,750.

So start pondering your tax situation and pick out the alpacas that will enhance and or diversify your breeding program.  Just make your decision by midnight on December 31st for it to apply to 2010.